What You Need To Know About Car Tinting


Tinting your vehicle can make it look attractive and also offer you privacy while on the move. Furthermore, some people tint the windows in their cars to protect themselves from the sun's rays. However, specific considerations go into tinting your vehicle windows. Here is all you need to know about car window tinting.

Types of Car Window Films and Where to Place Them

When reviewing your window tint options, it is crucial to understand the different kinds of window films in the market. There are two main categories of car window films: metalised and non-reflective film. Metalised films reflect the sun and prevent it from ruining and heating the vehicle's interior. It also provides privacy. Non-reflective films absorb sunlight to provide both glare and heat control. The most popular non-reflective films are dyed films. However, dyed films are less effective than metalised films in controlling solar heat absorption. Since many states prohibit metalised or reflective tinting, non-reflective tinting is used in its place.

It is also worth noting that window tints have different colours. You need to have a colour in mind before choosing a car film. Some of the colours you can choose from include gold, bronze, and grey. If you find it challenging to select a colour that complements the look of your car, consult a window tinting service for assistance.

The side and rear mirrors should not be tinted. You could use lighter shades of window tint on the side and rear windows. Darker window tint shades make it difficult to see images and should be used in other parts of the vehicle that will not affect the driver's vision while driving. To reject UV rays in sensitive parts of the car, you can choose speciality films that are invisible and do not obstruct your view while driving.

The Legal Requirements For Car Tinting

One of the first things you need to consider before tinting your car is checking the legal requirements in your area. In Australia, the laws on vehicle window tinting vary depending on the state you are in. For example, some states allow dark tints behind the front side window.

According to Australian regulations, your vehicle's tint should not be less than 35% visible light transmission. 35% and 50% visible light transmission are allowed for car windows that have never been tinted. Make sure you enquire from your window tint dealer about the laws in your location before you proceed to tint your vehicle windows.

For more information on window tints, reach out to an auto windshield shop near you. 


8 May 2020